NOON articolo inserito su spaghettitaliani da Pasquale Esposito

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Articolo inserito da Pasquale Esposito il giorno 03/11/2013 alle ore 23.04.25



Recent anxious Italian newspaper reports would have us believe that hardworking Milanesi have forgotten how to party, but a new breed of sleek eateries that has been cropping up around the city over the past few months would suggest otherwise. Leading the way is this chic little number, sitting pretty just around the corner from Cadorna station and the Castello Sforzesco.

Noon has the happy knack of combining cutting-edge style with the cheery ambience of a local watering hole. A cocktail bar takes centre stage, but there are also two restaurants (one à la carte, the other buffet), a lounge bar (with DJ soundtrack) and a cigar room.

The main restaurant takes up a large mezzanine level and has a daily changing lunch and dinner menu. Chef Pasquale Esposito brings a vibrant touch to traditional fashionista faves: lobster spaghetti is light and more-ish; the gnocchetti with clams served with fresh asparagus is a delight, as is sea bass garnished with olives, and a surprisingly delicate risotto prepared with mascarpone. For dessert, the dark rum baba with whipped cream is not to be missed. Natty sculptures and moody black and white fashion shots on the wall remind you you're in Milan, and the enthusiastic, chatty staff ensure that you'll want to come back. Open daily 12pm-2am, average dinner from Euro40 per person. MB





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